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UPDATED: SHINee Gives Me Life With Their New "Everybody" Image Teaser

SHINee 's " Everybody " image teaser was released today and I've pretty much been freaking out all day over here because this is the SHINee I've been wanting ever since " Lucifer ".  I've also been wanting something like this ever since SMent announced a Dark!SHINee concept for " Why So Serious " and then didn't follow through (those bastards!).  SHINee in more high fashion plus a ton of awesome jewelry??  What more could this fashion enthusiast ask for?

SPAM POST: SHINee's "Everybody" Comeback Special Fancams, Videos & Pics

Hey Shawols!  As I'm SURE YOU KNOW, SHINee performed their new songs " Everybody " and " Symptoms " at the SHINee Comeback Special showcase that was held earlier today during the Gangnam Hallyu Festival .  I woke up at the crack of dawn to watch it with some other Shawols but the stream was SO laggy (on account of some no good real time chat spammers) that I wanted to scream.  (we still had fun though).  I know the same thing happened to most people that were trying to view it so I didn't feel too bad, but I wanted to see my SHINee dammit!  So here's the next best thing.  I scoured the 'net for the best HQ fancams, videos and pics I could find and I'm posting them all here.  Enjoy; I certainly will. (This post is image and video heavy)

SHINee's "Everybody" Mini Album Teaser Medley Is Out!

SHINee 's teaser medley video for their " Everybody " mini album has just been released!  Take a listen:

SHINee's Group Teasers, "Symptoms" Lyric Teaser With English Subs And More!

So last night I had a little power/cable snafu on our block PLUS I wasn't feeling well, which means I wasn't able to blog about SHINee 's newest teasers (damn New Jersey and its crappy power grid situation!  Also damn getting sick right before SHINee's comeback!) but now I'm here to squee.  Can we all just stop for a minute and say "WOW!!!" because that was my reaction to SHINee's group teasers and their lyric teaser for the as yet unreleased song " Symptoms ".  I know you probably did all your squasping (a new word made up by Twitter bestie Leaf and Kpop blogger that combines SQUEE and GASP) last night and earlier today but humor me, why don't you?

Surprise! It's Jonghyun's "Everybody" Teaser Pics

Boy was I surprised when I received notice that Jonghyun of SHINee 's " Everybody " teasers pics were out.  All 3 of them?  Already?  And why is he full clothed??  Check 'em out:

UPDATED: Ovaries Explode Over Minho's Teasers For SHINee's "Everybody" Album

SM Entertainment continues to tease us with pics from SHINee 's upcoming " Everybody " mini album .  Today is Minho 's turn and umm... I'll just place these here:

Video of the Day: Block B's "Very Good"

It's been a wild ride of a year for Block B but they have managed to hang on for dear life and come out strutting on the other side.  It's extremely apropos that the name of their comeback song is " Very Good " because I'm sure that is exactly how they're feeling right about now.

UPDATED: Key's Teasers For SHINee's "Everybody" Mini Album Are Out!

It's Key 's turn to look like a New Romantic in the SHINee " Everybody " teaser merry go round and he's werking it like the fashion forward diva he is.  What do you think?

UPDATED: SHINee Releases A Second "Everybody" Album Teaser, And This Time It's Onew

SHINee seems to be referencing the '80s in the teasers for their upcoming mini album, " Everybody ".  This time they've released Onew's image teasers, complete with fake eyelashes and a captains hat, and they are giving me some throwback feels.  Check them out!

UPDATED: SHINee To Make Another 2013 Comeback With "Everybody"

It's party time my Shawol friends, because SHINee will be making a comeback with their 5th mini album on October 14th!  This album is entitled " Everybody " and it will be their 3rd Korean comeback of the year.  You know what that means, right?   No more striped cardigans or khakis , that's what!  Yesssss! Taemin  TaeMAN's guyliner-ed beauty of a teaser pic is below for your edification and enjoyment.  Once you tear your eyes away from that, please do read on for a bit of fangirling:

Video of the Day: Block B's "Be The Light"

Last night Block B released their " Be The Light " audio only version and many fans were saddened by the lack of an mv.   Seven Seasons decided it would be fun to troll us hard by releasing the mv a few hours later, but I'm okay with that because we got this out of it...

Block B Is Back At Last With "Be The Light"!

My Block B feels are overflowing right now because they have FINALLY made their way out of the dungeon with a new song.  I'm fangirling and squee-ing so hard right now!  Take a listen to their preview track, " Be The Light ", below:

UPDATED: SHINee is Grown And Sexy For Arena Homme+'s October Issue

The boys  men of SHINee are set to cover the October issue of Korea's Arena Homme+ magazine.  They've been featured in many magazines over the years, but this time they're special enough to warrant 5 separate covers for each member.  How fabulous is that?  I'm crossing my fingers that this dark and sexy editorial is a foreshadowing of the concept for their rumored Korean comeback, because this One Direction-ish " Boys Meet U " nonsense has got to go. UPDATED:  With official HQ cover scans and all interviews except Key's. ( Key 's pic goes first because it's still his birthday in the U.S.  Happy Birthday Key!) The following are all the images and interviews that are available so far.