The people have spoken and they want their fashion posts, so here's a quick one about G-Dragon to start.
On the last day of Big Bang's Alive Tour The Final concert, GD posted a few pre-concert pics to his twitter account:
우리 콘서트홀 대기실앞.드디어 오늘이 마지막 날이다.그동안 만났던 많은 나라의 팬분들과 항상 옆에서 같이 고생해준 사랑하는 크루들 그리고 우리모두.정말 감사드리고 수고많으셨습니다!Let's go final!
Trans: "In front of the waiting room of our concert hall. It's finally the last day today. To the many fans from all the different countries & to the crew who persevered beside us all this time and to all of us. I truly thank you for everything! Let's go final!"
Apparently he wanted to show off all his Thom Browne finery, which is perfectly fine with me because he looks great. I love it when he does his take on preppy with a twist because he plays with proportion and adds on accessories to make it all his own, even when he's wearing one designer head-to-toe.
The coat GD is wearing in the first pic is the Thom Browne Cashmere Bal collar coat, which is currently sold out but was available
here for $2950.
In the second pic I would swear that he's wearing a different jacket with a scarf. He's also got on the Cashmere Striped Cardigan, which is available at the
Thom Browne webstore for $995. The cardigan also comes in dark grey.
GD is also wearing a snapback by Thom Grey, which is Thom Browne's diffusion line, and his Classic Long Wingtip Brogue Boots.
The boots are still availabe
here for $930.
As I mentioned in my last GD fashion post, one of the things I really love about him is that he wears his favorite pieces over and over again and these boots were often seen on his feet in 2012.
Same coat and boots as pictured above. |
GD at the Thom Grey store in October 2012. |
Here's GD placing pre-fall orders at the Thom Browne store in NYC, as posted on instagram by account executive for the brand, Mathew Foley:
What I love about this brand are the touches of whimsy that are evident in all the little details. You'll always know if a piece is by Thom Browne, but not in an obnoxious logo-driven type of way.
I'm excited to see what GD has in store for us sartorially in 2013, aren't you?
ukbigbang via
ygnatics, credited as tagged.
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