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More Guy Style

There's wayyy more women's street style blogs on the internets than men's street style blogs.  I do, however, come across some gems on my daily perusals of fashion blogs so I figured I'd share them.  I don't know about you, but I <3 a man with a unique fashion sense.

Shoe Porn Version 2

Feeling architectural and clean lines right now.                  

Shoe Porn: Lusting After...

I have been stalking these shoes for 2 years now and they actually got reissued.  Too bad I don't have an extra $965 laying around so I can buy them.  Bring on the copycats... I missed them last time too. Anne Demeulmeester Open Front Sandal Boots: In black:  Yes please! Source:

Idol Style: Shinee's Key

I feel like I'd be remiss if I didn't talk about Kpop idol style, especially since so many of them either have great stylists (cordi-noonas) or actually know how to dress themselves pretty well. My first foray into idol style will have to be Key from Shinee.  I mean, of course...he's so fabulous.  I have seen so many great pics of him, it took me a good while to decide which ones to put into this post.  Ottoke (what to do)??!!  Well, I managed to narrow them down so here goes. Key: Name: Kim Kibum Nicknames: Almighty Key, Diva Key, Key Umma (mom), Flawless Key and others. Typical Key quote:  "For clothes, I’m the type that picks out my outfit the night before, standing in front of the mirror picking out clothes saying “What should I wear tomorrow?”. "When I’m going abroad for activities I take a lot of things, the managers and staff are always telling me “Key-kun, you have too much luggage!”.  I can just imagine.